We utilize smartphones (Android, iOS, etc) and single board computers (Raspberry Pi, etc) for information processing.
Some demos are shown below.
Trash can that opens based on the hand recognition with mediapipe on Raspberry Pi 5
Trash can that opens based on the hand recognition with mediapipe on Raspberry Pi 5.
By recognizing three successive hand signs, the trash can opens.
Raspberry Pi 5 and camera module are used. HDMI is used only for sound output.
The trash can is realized using 3D printer and acrylic board.
Rock paper scissors against AI with Raspberry Pi 5
Rock paper scissors against AI based on the hand recognition with mediapipe on Raspberry Pi 5.
The hand of human is recognized with mediapipe. AI decides its strategy based on the tendency of human.
When there are some rules in the strategy of human, AI will win.
Rock paper scissors against AI-based Robot hand controlled by Raspberry Pi
The hand of human is recognized with OpenCV and conventional machine learning.
AI decides its strategy based on the tendency of human.
When there are some rules in the strategy of human, AI will win.
Introduction to Kanamaru lab.