We are developing image processing system, mainly using embedded systems.
For example, image processing systems for vehicles and robots, and so on.
Video processing system for vehicles

We are developing a video processing system for vehicles.
We first implement the application for Windows, and then we port the application to embedded systems, such as:
Video processing using DirectShow.NET

We are developing video processing softwares using
The left figure shows a simple demonstration where a video from a web camera settled on the top of a biped robot, is transformed into the one with a cyber-space-like appearance.
This application is used to test the camera mounted on a car,
the system to record the class, and so on.
Precise positioning of laser with image processing

An application which performs precise positioning of laser
with image processing was created.
Image querying using the wavelet transform

A French student Armand Girier
who stayed in Kogakuin University (Japan) from May 2005 to August 2005,
developed an application
which performs image querying using the wavelet transform.
He completed this project using Java language in three months.
For further information about the reinforcement learning, please see: