Research Papers of Takashi Kanamaru

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Refereed Journals
  1. Ibuki Matsumoto, Sou Nobukawa, Takashi Kanamaru, Yusuke Sakemi, Nina Sviridova, Tomoki Kurikawa, Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Neural activity responsiveness by maturation of inhibition underlying critical period plasticity,"
    Frontiers in Neural Circuits, vol.18 (2025) 1519704.

  2. Yudai Ebato, Sou Nobukawa, Yusuke Sakemi, Haruhiko Nishimura, Takashi Kanamaru, Nina Sviridova, and Kazuyuki Aihara
  3. "Impact of time-history terms on reservoir dynamics and prediction accuracy in echo state networks,"
    Scientific Reports, vol.14 (2024) 8631.

  4. Takashi Kanamaru, Takao K. Hensch, and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Maximal memory capacity near the edge of chaos in balanced cortical E-I networks,"
    Neural Computation, vol.35, issue 8 (2023) pp.1430-1462.

  5. Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Acetylcholine-mediated top-down attention improves the response to bottom-up inputs by deformation of the attractor landscape,"
    PLOS ONE, 14(10) (2019) e0223592. (Cited by)

  6. Takashi Kanamaru,
    "Quantifying strength of chaos in the population firing rate of neurons,"
    Neural Computation, vol.30, issue 3 (2018) pp.792-819. (preprint PDF)

  7. Takashi Kanamaru,
    "Chaotic pattern alternations can reproduce properties of dominance durations in multistable perception,"
    Neural Computation, vol. 29, issue 6 (2017) pp.1696-1720. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  8. Takashi Kanamaru, Hiroshi Fujii, and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Deformation of attractor landscape via cholinergic presynaptic modulations: A computational study using a phase neuron model,"
    PLOS ONE, 8(1) (2013) e53854 (Cited by).

  9. Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Rewiring-induced chaos in pulse-coupled neural networks,"
    Neural Computation, vol.24, no.4 (2012) pp.1020-1046. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  10. Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Roles of inhibitory neurons in rewiring-induced synchronization in pulse-coupled neural networks,"
    Neural Computation, vol.22, no.5 (2010) pp.1383-1398. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  11. Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Stochastic synchrony of chaos in a pulse coupled neural network with both chemical and electrical synapses among inhibitory neurons,"
    Neural Computation, vol.20, no.8 (2008) pp.1951-1972. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  12. Takashi Kanamaru,
    "Chaotic pattern transitions in pulse neural networks,"
    Neural Networks, vol.20, issue 7 (2007) pp.781-790. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  13. Takashi Kanamaru,
    "Blowout bifurcation and on-off intermittency in pulse neural networks with multiple modules,"
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.16, no.11 (2006) pp.3309-3321. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  14. Takashi Kanamaru,
    "Analysis of synchronization between two modules of pulse neural networks with excitatory and inhibitory connections,"
    Neural Computation, vol.18, no.5 (2006) pp.1111-1131 (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  15. Takashi Kanamaru and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "Synchronized firings in the networks of class 1 excitable neurons with excitatory and inhibitory connections and their dependences on the forms of interactions,"
    Neural Computation, vol.17, no.6 (2005) pp.1315-1338. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  16. Takashi Kanamaru and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "Detecting chaotic structures in noisy pulse trains based on interspike interval reconstruction,"
    Biological Cybernetics, vol.92, no.5 (2005) pp. 333-338. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  17. Takashi Kanamaru and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "An analysis of globally connected active rotators with excitatory and inhibitory connections having different time constants using the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations,"
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.15, issue 5 (2004) pp.1009-1017. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  18. Kenji Kudo, Yoshihiro Myokan, Winh Chan Than, Shinji Akimoto, Takashi Kanamaru, and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "Hardware object model and its application to the image processing,"
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, vol.E87-A, No.3 (2004) pp.547-558. (Cited by)

  19. Masatoshi Sekine, Takashi Kanamaru, and Hikaru Ito,
    "Multi-level matching for detecting faces (in Japanese),"
    The IEICE Transactions in Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol.J86-A, no.9 (2003) pp.969-973.

  20. Takashi Kanamaru and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "Array-enhanced coherence resonance in the diffusively coupled active rotators and its analysis with the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation,"
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, vol.E86-A, no.9, (2003) pp.2197-2202. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  21. Takashi Kanamaru and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "Analysis of globally connected active rotators with excitatory and inhibitory connections using the Fokker-Planck equation,"
    Physical Review E, vol.67, no.3 (2003) 031916. (preprint PDF) (Cited by)

  22. Yuji Shinohara, Takashi Kanamaru, Hideyuki Suzuki, Takehiko Horita, and Kazuyuki Aihara,
    "Array-enhanced coherence resonance and forced dynamics in coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons with noise,"
    Physical Review E, vol.65, no.5 (2002) 051906. (preprint, PDF) (Cited by)

  23. Takashi Kanamaru, Takehiko Horita and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Theoretical analysis of array-enhanced stochastic resonance in the diffusively coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo equation,"
    Physical Review E, vol.64, no.3 (2001) 031908. (preprint, PDF) (Cited by)

  24. Takashi Kanamaru and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Fluctuation-induced memory retrieval in a pulsed neural network storing sparse patterns with hierarchical correlations,"
    Physical Review E, vol.64, no.3 (2001) 031904. (preprint, PDF)

  25. Takashi Kanamaru and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Associative memory retrieval induced by fluctuations in a pulsed neural network,"
    Physical Review E, vol.62, no.2 (2000) pp.2629-2635. (preprint, PDF) (Cited by)

  26. Takashi Kanamaru and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Stochastic Resonance in a pulse neural network with a propagational time delay,"
    BioSystems, vol.58, issues 1-3 (2000) pp.101-107. (preprint, PDF) (Cited by)

  27. Takehiko Horita, Takashi Kanamaru, and Toru Akishita,
    "Stochastic resonance-like behavior in the sine-circle map,"
    Progress of Theoretical Physics, vol.102, no.6 (1999) pp.1057-1064. (Cited by)

  28. Takashi Kanamaru, Takehiko Horita and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Stochastic resonance for the superimposed periodic pulse train,"
    Physics Letters A, vol.255, issues 1-2 (1999) pp.23-30. (preprint, PDF) (Cited by)

  29. Takashi Kanamaru, Takehiko Horita and Yasunori Okabe,
    "Stochastic resonance in the Hodgkin-Huxley network,"
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol.67, no.12 (1998) pp.4058-4063. (Cited by)
Articles in English
  1. Takashi Kanamaru, "Duffing oscillator," Scholarpedia (2008) 3(3):6327. (Cited by)

  2. Takashi Kanamaru, "van der Pol oscillator," Scholarpedia (2007) 2(1):2202. (Cited by)
Proceedings in English
  1. Ibuki Matsumoto, Sou Nobukawa, Tomoki Kurikawa, Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Yusuke Sakemi, Takashi Kanamaru, Nina Sviridova, and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Optimal excitatory and inhibitory balance for high learning performance in spiking neural networks with long-tailed synaptic weight distributions,"
    2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2023). (DOI: 10.1109/ijcnn54540.2023.10191709)

  2. Tomoya Ono and Takashi Kanamaru
    "Predicting of pedestrian trajectory using sequence to sequence learning with neural networks,"
    The 20th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-20) (2021).

  3. Tomoya Ono and Takashi Kanamaru
    "Prediction of pedestrian trajectory based on long short-term memory of data,"
    Proceedings of 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS2021), pp.1676-1679 (PDF).

  4. Tomoya Ono, Soshi Akasaka, Hiroki Ohara, and Takashi Kanamaru
    "Developing Education Support System using Interactive Floor Interface,"
    Proceedings of 2020 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS2020), to appear.

  5. Ushio Suda and Takashi Kanamaru
    "Development of a workbench system for job training based on behaviors of worker,"
    The 16th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-16) (2017) p.210. (PDF)

  6. Takashi Kanamaru
    "The mixed states of associative memories realize unimodal distribution of dominance durations in multistable perception,"
    Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10261 (2017) pp. 371-378, Springer (preprint, PDF).

  7. Ayano Tanishima and Takashi Kanamaru
    "Development of human interface for spinal cord injury patient to enhance quality of life,"
    The 1st Innovation forum of advanced engineering and education, (2014) p.108. (PDF)

  8. Ayano Tanishima, Takashi Nakakuki, Hiroto Noguchi, and Takashi Kanamaru
    "Development of drinking support device for spinal cord injuries to enhance quality of life,"
    Proceedings of 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS2013), pp.1459-1462.

  9. Hiroshi Fujii, Takashi Kanamaru, Kazuyuki Aihara, Ichiro Tsuda
    "Attentional cholinergic projections may induce transitions of attractor landscape via presynaptic modulations of connectivity,"
    Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III) - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics 2011. (2013) pp.97-103.

  10. Takashi Kanamaru, Hiroshi Fujii, and Kazuyuki Aihara
    "Temporal modification of stability of associative memory via cholinergic presynaptic modulations,"
    Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical Modelling, p.94. (ISIMM2012, 2012/5/16).

  11. Hiroshi Fujii, Takashi Kanamaru, Kazuyuki Aihara, Ichiro Tsuda
    "A new role for attentional corticopetal acetylcholine in cortical memory dynamics,"
    AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1389 "International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011" (2011) pp. 1340-1343.

  12. Takashi Kanamaru and Masatoshi Sekine,
    "Blowout bifurcation and on-off intermittency in a pulse neural network with two modules,"
    International Symposium on Oscillation, Chaos and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science, p.45 (2004). (PDF)

  13. Masatoshi Sekine, Takashi Kanamaru, K. Kudo, H. Imanaka, Y. Shiga, H. Ito, and Y. Myokan,
    "Hardware objects of the circuits for robotics,"
    in Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, (2003) pp.1421-1426.

  14. Takashi Kanamaru and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Stochastic Resonance in the Pulse Neural Network with the Propagational Time Delay,"
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Neuronal Coding '99 (1999) pp.105-108.

  15. Takashi Kanamaru and Yoichi Okabe,
    "Fluctuation-induced Memory Retrieval in the Associative Memory of Spiking Neurons,"
    Proceedings of 1999 Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Information Technology (1999) pp.177-184.

  16. Takashi Kanamaru and Takehiko Horita,
    "Stochastic Resonance in the Hodgkin-Huxley Network,"
    Book of abstracts STATPHYS 20 in Paris (1998) PO05/55.

  17. Takehiko Horita, Takashi Kanamaru, and Toru Akishita,
    "Stochastic Resonance Like Behavior in the Sine-Cicle Map,"
    Book of abstracts STATPHYS 20 in Paris (1998) PO05/50
Ph.D. Thesis

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